Naturally Beautiful, Intentionally Functional

Clarry Hill Pottery
inspired by the bounty of the land
naturally beautiful
In 2025, we are engaging form and color by combining beautiful lush greens, a full spectrum of pale to rich blues, deep earthy browns, rusty golds, and light creamy whites on our pots. The creative process begins on a sketch pad, which the potter reorganizes as a functional shape by wheel-throwing and slab-building using Northeastern light-buff, speckled tan, and red-brown clay. The specific type of clay for each pot is intentionally chosen to accentuate and compliment the final color of the glaze. Our glazes are made onsite and are 100% lead free and food safe. At Clarry Hill Pottery we produce hearty stoneware via oxidation kiln firing.
Our handmade stoneware is designed with our customer in mind to be durable, safe, functional and fun to use.
We are so very pleased to share our pottery with you.